 | C.O.P.E.S. (Community of People Extending Support), Grief Support Group | Mississauga |
 | C3 Canadian Cross Training Club | Bolton |
 | Calea HomeCare | Mississauga |
 | Caledon, Animal Services, Caledon Animal Shelter | Bolton |
 | Caledon, Planning and Development/Policy and Sustainability | Caledon East |
 | Caledon (Town of ), Tax Assistance for Older Adults 65+ and Persons with Disability | Caledon |
 | Caledon \ Dufferin Victim Services, Caledon East Office | Bolton |
 | Caledon \ Dufferin Victim Services, Orangeville Office | Orangeville |
| Caledon Agricultural Society | Caledon Village |
 | Caledon Belfountain YMCA | Caledon (Town of) |
 | Caledon Breast Cancer Foundation | Bolton |
 | Caledon Centennial Skating Club | Inglewood |
 | Caledon Chamber of Commerce | Bolton |
 | Caledon Citizen | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Evolve Caledon | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Evolve Lifestyle | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Health, Transitional Care Centre | Alton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Health - Assisted Living | Bolton |
| Caledon Community Services, Health - Caledon Specialist Clinic | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Health - Respite Companionship | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Health - Seniors Helping Seniors | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Health - Specialized Transportation | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Jobs Caledon (and Youth Services) | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Life - The Exchange Food Support+ - Community Support, Community Engagement, Community Building | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Multi-Service Office | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, NEWCOMER PROGRAMS LINC / EH Cafe / Settlement Assistance | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Santa Fund | Bolton |
 | Caledon Community Services, Volunteer Resources | Bolton |
 | Caledon Concert Band Association | Caledon East |
 | Caledon Cougars Basketball Association | Caledon |
| Caledon Cycling Club | Inglewood |
 | Caledon Denture Clinic | Bolton |
 | Caledon East & District Historical Society | Caledon East |
 | Caledon East Children's Place | Caledon East |
 | Caledon East Family Chiropractic | Caledon East |
| Caledon East Seniors Club | Caledon East |
 | Caledon East Tennis Club | Caledon East |
 | Caledon East United Church | Caledon East |
 | Caledon East YMCA | Caledon |
 | Caledon Enterprise | Caledon |
 | Caledon Environmental Advisory Committee | Caledon |
 | Caledon Equestrian School | Sandhill |
| Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club | Caledon |
 | Caledon Hills Montessori | Caledon East |
| Caledon Kennel Association | Caledon East |
 | Caledon Meals on Wheels | Bolton |
 | Caledon Meals on Wheels, Friendly Visiting Programs | Bolton |
 | Caledon Meals on Wheels, Seniors Social and Wellness Program, Community Groups/Seniors' Residence Building Groups | Bolton |
 | Caledon Meals on Wheels, Volunteer Opportunities | Bolton |
 | Caledon Minor Hockey Association | Caledon East |
| Caledon Mixed Screwballs Slo-Pitch | Caledon |
| Caledon Pony Club | Belfountain |
 | Caledon Public Library, Albion Bolton Branch | Bolton |
 | Caledon Public Library, Alton Branch | Alton |
 | Caledon Public Library, Belfountain Holds Lockers | Belfountain |
 | Caledon Public Library, Caledon East Branch | Caledon East |
 | Caledon Public Library, Caledon Village Branch | Caledon Village |
 | Caledon Public Library, Inglewood Branch | Inglewood |
 | Caledon Public Library, Margaret Dunn Valleywood Branch | Caledon |
 | Caledon Seniors Centre, Rotary Place | Bolton |
| Caledon Seniors' Council | Caledon East |
 | Caledon Ski Club Limited | Belfountain |
| Caledon Soccer Club | Caledon East |
 | Caledon, Parks and Recreation Department, Albion Bolton Community Centre and Don Sheardown Arena | Bolton |
 | Caledon, Parks and Recreation Department, Caledon East Community Complex and Arenas | Caledon East |
 | Caledon, Parks and Recreation Department, Caledon Village Place | Caledon Village |
 | Caledon, Parks and Recreation Department, Lloyd Wilson Centennial Arena | Inglewood |
 | Caledon, Parks and Recreation Department, Summer Day Camps | Caledon |
 | Caledon, Parks and Recreation Department, Victoria Parks Community Centre | Mono Mills |
 | Caledon., Finance and Infrastructure Services | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Administration Department | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Building Department | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Community Services, Heritage Resource Office | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Economic Development Department | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Finance and Infrastructure Services, Finance Division | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Fire & Emergency Services, 911 Emergency Number System | Caledon East |
| Caledon. Fire and Emergency Services | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Human Resources Department | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon - Mayor, Allan Thompson | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon Ward 2 - Area Councillor, Christina Early | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon Ward 2 - Regional Councillor, Johanna Downey | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon Ward 3 & 4 - Area Councillor, Nick deBoer | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon Ward 3 & 4 - Regional Councillor, Jennifer Innis | Caledon |
| Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon Ward 5 - Area Councillor, Tony Rosa | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Member of Council, Caledon Ward 5 - Regional Councillor, Annette Groves | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Member of Council- Ward 1 Area Councillor- Lynn Kiernan | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Office of the Clerk | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Office of the Clerk, Commissioners of Oaths and Taking Affidavits | Caledon East |
 | Caledon. Parks & Recreation, Caledon Centre for Recreation and Wellness, Fitness and Lifestyle Programs | Bolton |
 | Caledon. Parks & Recreation, Public Tennis | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Recreation Department, Caledon Centre for Recreation and Wellness, Youth Centre and Programs | Bolton |
 | Caledon. Recreation Department, Mayfield Recreation Complex | Caledon |
 | Caledon. Town Of | Caledon East |
 | Camp Kodiak | Parry Sound District |
 | Camp Oochigeas | Muskoka District |
 | Camp Tournesol Inc. | Mississauga |
 | Canada Pardon Services Inc | Toronto |
 | Canada Passport Office, Brampton | Brampton |
| Canada Post Corporation, Postal Outlet Locator | Peel Region |
 | Canada World Youth, Ottawa Office | Ottawa |
 | Canada. Canada Post Corporation, Bolton Post Office | Bolton |
| Canada. Canada Post Corporation, Brampton Postal Outlets | Brampton |
 | Canada. Canada Post Corporation, Caledon Post Offices | Caledon Village |
| Canada. Canada Post Corporation, Mississauga Postal Outlets | Mississauga |
 | Canada. Canada Revenue Agency, Toronto West Tax Services Office, Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Dufferin-Caledon, Seeback, Kyle (Conservative), Constituency Office | Orangeville |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Dufferin-Caledon, Tilson, David, QC (Conservative), Congratulatory Messages | Orangeville |
 | Canada. Members of Parliament, Mississauga-Malton, Navdeep Singh Bains (Liberal) | Mississauga |
 | Canada. Public Safety Canada, Correctional Service Of Canada (Parole), Toronto West Parole Office | Brampton |
| Canada. Service Canada, 1 800 O-Canada | Ottawa |
 | Canadian Association of Multicultural People, (CAMP) | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Automobile Association, South Central Ontario, Brampton Office | Brampton |
 | Canadian Automobile Association, South Central Ontario, Mississauga South Office | Mississauga |
| Canadian Blood Services, Blood Donor Clinics-Brampton | Brampton |
 | Canadian Cancer Society | Toronto |
 | Canadian Celiac Association | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Federation of University Women, Ontario Council, Mississauga Chapter | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Hearing Society, Mississauga Regional Office | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Home Healthcare Inc, Sleep Apnea Therapy and Home Oxygen, Oakville Location | Oakville |
 | Canadian Kennel Club | Etobicoke |
 | Canadian Malayalee Association | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, BounceBack Program | Concord |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch, Mental Health and Justice Services | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton | Brampton |
| Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, 24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin | Brampton |
| Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Access Intake, Information and Referral | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Housing and Homelessness, McEvenue Home Works | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Housing and Homelessness, Outreach | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Housing and Homelessness, Supported Housing | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Impact | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Individual Support Services, Access to Recovery | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Individual Support Services, Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Individual Support Services, Early Intervention | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Individual Support Services, In-STED | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, Recovery West, Groups | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Brampton, SystemWise | Brampton |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Orangeville | Orangeville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Orangeville, Dufferin Court Support Services | Orangeville |
 | Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch - Orangeville, Seniors Intensive Case Management - Dufferin County, Dufferin County | Orangeville |
 | Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) | Mississauga |
 | Canadian Progress Club of Brampton | Brampton |
| Canadian Red Cross, Ontario , Region Of Peel Branch | Mississauga (City of) |
 | Canadian Red Cross - Toronto Region - Etobicoke Location, Meals on Wheels | Etobicoke North |
 | CanadianNanny.ca | Toronto |
 | CANES Community Care | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Assisted Living | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Behavioural Support, Psychogeriatric Resource Consultant | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Caregiver Support and Counselling | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Friendly Visiting | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Home at Last | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Home Maintenance | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Homemaking and Personal Care | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Intensive Senior Community Team (ISCT) | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Respite Care | Etobicoke North |
 | CANES Community Care, Ride Connect Transportation | Etobicoke North |
| Can-In Multicultural Association | Mississauga |
 | Carassauga Festival of Cultures | Mississauga |
 | Cardiac Care Centre | Etobicoke |
 | Cardiac Rehab Alumni, Chinguacousy Wellness Centre | Brampton |
| CareAlert Canada, Personal Emergency Response System, CareAlert Smart Dialer | Peel Region |
 | Career Foundation, Completing the Circle for Youth | Mississauga |
 | Carefect Home Care Services, Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association, Mississauga Community Services Centre | Mississauga |
 | CarePartners, Nursing and Rehabilitation Services | Brampton |
 | CarePartners, Personal Support Services, Brampton | Brampton |
 | Caribbean Children Foundation (The) | Brampton |
 | Caring for Kids - Castle Oak | Brampton |
 | Caring For Kids- Ross Drive | Brampton (City of) |
 | Caring for Kids - The Centre | Port Credit |
 | Caring for Kids Child Care Services- Including licensed Home Child Care | Peel Region |
 | Caring for Kids-Dundas | Cooksville |
 | Caring for Seniors in Dufferin | Orangeville |
 | Carpe Diem Residential Therapeutic Treatment Homes for Children | Brampton |
 | Carrot Health, Carrot Eye - Etobicoke | Etobicoke North |
 | Casa Dee Montessori | Brampton |
 | Casa Dee Montessori School, Bolton | Bolton |
 | CASE Community Services, Case Community | Brampton (City of) |
 | Castlemore Montessori Inc, Castlemore Montessori Incorporated | Brampton (City of) |
 | Catholic Crosscultural Services, Mississauga Office | Mississauga |
 | Catholic Crosscultural Services (CCS), Brampton Office | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, Brampton Office | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, Brampton Office, Partner Assault Response (PAR) | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, Brampton Office, The HEAL Network | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, Caledon Office | Bolton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, Mississauga Office | Mississauga |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel Dufferin, Partner Assault Response Program | Mississauga |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin, Brampton Office, Connect Clinic - Brampton | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin, Brampton Office, Individual, Couple and Family Counselling and Psychotherapy | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin, Brampton Office, Safer Families | Brampton |
 | Catholic Family Services of Peel-Dufferin, Brampton Office, Wellness and Support Groups | Brampton |
 | CATP, Brampton | Brampton |
 | Cawthra Drug Store | Mississauga |
 | Cawthra Gardens, Long Term Care Community | Mississauga |
 | CBI Health Group, Performance Physiotherapy and Wellness | Brampton |
 | CBI Health Group, Brampton - County Court | Brampton |
 | Central Bolton Walk-In Clinic | Bolton |
 | Central Brampton Family Health Team | Brampton |
 | Central Park, Seniors Apartments | Brampton |
 | Central Park YMCA Child Care Centre | Bramalea |
 | Central Parkway Pharmacy | Mississauga |
 | Central West Region Passport Agency | Oakville |
 | Central West Self Management Program | Brampton |
 | Central West Specialized Developmental Services | Oakville |
 | Centre City Pharmacy | Mississauga |
 | Centre éducatif Éveil aux Savoirs | Erin Mills |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health | Greater Toronto Area |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Access & Transitions | Toronto |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, ACCESS CAMH, Family Line | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Back on Track | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Better Behaviours Service | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Child, Youth and Emerging Adult Program, Psychiatric Consultation Service | Toronto Central |
| Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Child, Youth and Emerging Adult Service | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Child, Youth and Family Program, Substance Abuse Program for African Canadian and Caribbean Youth | Toronto |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Homes for Special Care | Toronto (City of) |
| Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Integrative Day Treatment Service | Toronto |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Mood & Anxiety Ambulatory Services | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Mood and Anxiety Ambulatory Services | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Mood and Anxiety Ambulatory Services (MAAS) | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Mood and Anxiety Service, Children and Youth | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Schizophrenia Acute Care Unit | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Schizophrenia Program, First Episode Psychosis Clinic | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Schizophrenia Program, Medication Assessment Program for Schizophrenia (MAPS) Clinic | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, TAPP-C | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Youth Addiction and Concurrent Disorders Service | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Youth Justice Assessment Clinic | Toronto Central |
 | Centre for Education & Training, Employment Ontario, Employment Services, Brampton | Brampton |
 | Centre for Education & Training, Ontario Employment Services, Brampton East | Brampton |
 | Centre for Innovation in Peer Support, Support House | |
 | Centre for Skills Development and Training, Ontario Employment Services | Clarkson |
| Centre Francophone de Toronto, Services d'Aide Juridique, Legal Advice - French | Toronto |
 | Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions, COPA | Toronto |
 | Century City Pharmacy | Mississauga |
 | CEREFRAC (Centre culturel de ressources francophone pour les communautés ethniques) | Mississauga |
 | Ceremonial Medical Centre | Mississauga |
 | Ceremonial Pharmacy | Mississauga |
| Chamber Music Society of Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Chapelview, Seniors Apartments | Brampton |
 | Chartwell Heritage Glen Retirement Residence | Mississauga |
 | Chartwell Montgomerry Village, Retirement Residence | Orangeville |
 | Chartwell Senior Housing REIT, Retirement Residences, Regency Retirement Residence | Mississauga |
 | Chartwell Wenleigh Long Term Care Residence | Mississauga |
 | Chase Pharmacy (The) | Mississauga |
 | Cheltenham Country Store and Postal Outlet | Cheltenham |
 | Cheltenham Veterinary Centre | Inglewood |
 | Cherubs Cove Montessori Childcare Centre Inc. | Brampton |
 | Child Development Resource Connection Peel | Mississauga |
 | Child Development Resource Connection Peel, Early Learning and Child Care Information | Mississauga |
 | Child Development Resource Connection Peel, Special Needs Information Peel | Mississauga |
| Child Disability Benefit | Ontario |
 | Children’s Learning Garden Home Licensing Agency | Mississauga |
 | Children's Choice Daycare Inc. | Bramalea |
 | Children's Circle Montessori School | Brampton |
 | Childrens Mental Health Ontario | Toronto North |
 | Children's Palace Montessori, Pre-school & Daycare | Clarkson |
 | Children's Support Solutions, Morneau Shepell | Mississauga |
| Childspec Licensed Home Day Care Services | Peel Region |
 | Childventures Meadowvale Early Learning Academy Inc. | Streetsville |
 | Chinese Association of Mississauga | Mississauga |
| Chinguacousy Concert Band Inc, Chinguacousy Swing Orchestra | Brampton |
 | Chinguacousy Garden Club & Horticultural Society | Brampton |
 | Chinguacousy Lions Club | Brampton |
 | CHOICES Youth Shelter | Orangeville |
| Christian Horizons, Peel Services | Mississauga (City of) |
 | Churchill Meadows Pharmacy | Mississauga |
 | Churchill Medical Clinic | Mississauga |
 | Circle of Children Academy | Meadowvale |
| Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada Immigration Centre | Toronto |
| Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Foreign Credentials Referral Office | Peel Region |
 | City Centre Apothecary, City Centre | Mississauga |
 | City Drug Mart Pharmacy | Brampton |
 | City Gate Drug Store | Mississauga |
 | City of Brampton, Brampton Transit | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton, Economic Development & Culture, Cyril Clark Theatre | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton, Economic Development and Culture, Rose Theatre | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, City Clerk's Office | Brampton |
| City of Brampton, Parks and Recreation, Active Assist | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton, Parks Maintenance and Operations, Brampton Animal Services | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton, Planning, & Infostructure Services | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton, Public Works & Engineering Department | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton Concert Band | Brampton |
 | City of Brampton. Economic Development and Culture, Theatres, Lester B Pearson Theatre | Brampton |
| City of Mississauga, Driveway Windrow Snow Clearing Program | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga, Malton Community Pool | Malton |
| City of Mississauga, Parks and Recreation, Active Assist | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga, Planning and Building Department | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga, Recreation and Parks | Mississauga |
| City of Mississauga, Recreation and Parks Department, Therapeutic Programs, 'Sauga Stroke Breakers | Mississauga |
| City of Mississauga, Sign Language Interpreters | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga, Transportation and Works Department, Transit Division, MiWay | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga, Community Services Department, Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga, Financial Services, Outdoor Maintenance Subsidy Program - Snow Clearing and Grass Cutting | Mississauga |
 | City of Mississauga. Transportation and Works Department | Mississauga |
 | Clarkson Angels Child Care & Educational Centre (North) | Clarkson |
 | Clarkson Angels Child Care and Educational Centre | Clarkson |
 | Clarkson Co-operative Nursery School | Clarkson |
| Clarkson Music Theatre | Mississauga |
| Clarkson Seniors Association | Mississauga |
| Clarkson Society of Artists | Mississauga |
 | Clarkson Village Business Improvement Association | Mississauga |
 | Clear Sound Hearing Instruments | Mississauga |
| Clearview Behavioural Solutions | |
 | Cliffway Pharmacy | Mississauga |
 | Clinik Pharmacy | Brampton |
 | Closer II Home Programs Ltd. | Brampton |
 | Closer to Home Child Care Centre | Bramalea |
 | Closing the Gap Healthcare, Mississauga -Matheson Blvd E | Mississauga |
 | Cloverdale Pharmacy | |
| Cloverleaf Garden Club of Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | CNIB, Halton/Peel Office | Mississauga |
 | Coalition for Persons with Disabilities, Mississauga Location | Mississauga |
 | Coalition for Persons with Disabilities - Peel, Halton, Dufferin | Mississauga |
| Coalition for Persons with Disabilities Peel Halton Dufferin, Employment ACCESS, Workreadiness Program | Mississauga |
 | Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment | Hamilton |
 | COBRA Swim Club | Brampton |
| Cocaine Anonymous, Brampton Meetings | Brampton |
| Co-Dependents Anonymous, Brampton Journey to Healing Group | Brampton (City of) |
| Co-Dependents Anonymous, Mississauga Step 'N Go CoDA Group | Mississauga |
 | Collège Boréal, Ontario Employment Services, Immigration Services | Mississauga |
| College of Health Studies, Diabetic Foot Care Clinic | Brampton |
 | Collegeway Pharmacy (The) | Mississauga |
 | Colors at Danton Inc. | Meadowvale |
 | Comfort Keepers Orangeville (Dufferin), Caledon, New Tecumseth | Orangeville |
 | Community Door Services Network | Brampton |
 | Community Environment Alliance of Peel | Brampton |
| Community Information Partners Peel | Mississauga |
 | Community Living Dufferin | East Garafraxa |
 | Community Living Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Community Living Mississauga, Early Childhood Education Resource Services | Mississauga |
| Community Living Ontario, Student Links | Peel Region |
 | Community Living Toronto | Toronto |
| Community Services Dept, Town of Caledon, Parks & Recreation, Inglewood Community Centre | Inglewood |
 | Community Services, Town of Caledon, Parks & Recreation, Support Services | Caledon East |
 | Concord in the City | Peel Region |
 | Conestoga Medical Centre | Brampton |
 | Confederation Drug Store | Mississauga |
 | Confederation Medical Clinic | Mississauga |
| Congress of Black Women of Canada, Brampton Chapter | Brampton |
 | Congress of Black Women of Canada, Mississauga Chapter | Mississauga |
 | Connect 4 Life | Mississauga |
| Connect Hearing, Mississauga Clinic, Clarkson | Mississauga |
| Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir, Peel Region Schools | Mississauga |
| Conseil Scolaire Viamonde, Peel Region Schools | Toronto |
 | Consulate Offices in Toronto | Greater Toronto Area |
 | Cooksville Care Centre, Long Term Care Facility | Mississauga |
 | COPE Service Dogs | |
 | Cornerstone Family Counselling Services (CFCS) | Mississauga |
 | Cornerstone Medical Clinic, Walk-in Medical Clinic | Brampton |
 | Costco Pharmacy, Brampton - Biscayne Cres | Brampton |
 | Costco Pharmacy, Mississauga - Laird Rd | Mississauga |
 | Costco Pharmacy, Mississauga - Mavis Rd | Mississauga |
 | COSTI, Employment Services-Brampton | Brampton |
| COSTI, Enhanced Language Training Services, North Brampton and Surrounding Areas | Brampton |
 | COSTI Immigrant Services, COSTI Brampton Employment Services | Brampton |
 | COSTI Immigrant Services, Employment Ontario Services, Winston Churchill Location | Mississauga |
 | Cottrelle Diagnostic Imaging | Brampton |
 | Cottrelle Diagnostic Imaging, Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) | Brampton |
 | Countryside Montessori and Private School | Bolton |
 | Courtesy Pharmacy | Mississauga |
| Crane Creations Theatre Company | |
 | Creative Children's Montessori Schools - Bolton Campus | Bolton |
 | Credit Canada Debt Solutions Inc. | Mississauga |
 | Credit Counselling Society | Mississauga |
 | Credit Landing Walk-In Clinic | Mississauga |
| Credit River Anglers Association | Mississauga |
 | Credit River Medical Clinic | Mississauga |
 | Credit River Metis Council | Brampton |
 | Credit Valley Conservation | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Conservation, Belfountain Conservation Area | Belfountain |
| Credit Valley Conservation, Conservation Areas, Mississauga | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Conservation, Island Lake Conservation Area | Orangeville |
 | Credit Valley Conservation, Ken Whillans Resource Management Area | Caledon |
 | Credit Valley Conservation, Rattray Marsh Conservation Area | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Conservation, Terra Cotta Conservation Area | Terra Cotta |
 | Credit Valley Conservation Authority | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Dental | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Diagnostic Centre, Credit Valley | Mississauga |
| Credit Valley Family Health Team | Mississauga (City of) |
 | Credit Valley Family Health Team | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Horticultural Society | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Hospital, Mental Health Services, Child and Adolescent | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Hospital, Mental Health Services 2, Adult Outpatient Services, Schizophrenia Program | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Hospital, Paediatric Speech and Language Pathology | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Hospital, Sleep Lab | Mississauga |
 | Credit Valley Seniors Club | Mississauga |
 | Creditview Stables Riding School | Brampton |
 | Crescent Hill Place Retirement Home | Brampton |
| Cruisers Sports for the Physically Disabled of Halton-Peel | Mississauga |
 | Cultural Interpretation Services For Our Communities | Ottawa |
 | Custom Orthotic Design Group, Orthotic Centre at the Credit Valley Hospital | Mississauga |
 | Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Halton-Peel and District | |