You performed a search for: Divorce/Custody Investigation

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The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.

There are 1 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Address Office Phone Hours

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Office Of The Children's Lawyer

Map RecordOntario. Ministry of the Attorney General, Office Of The Children's Lawyer Investigates, advocates, protects and represents the personal and property rights and obligations of children under the law, in proceedings before the courts and tribunals of Ontario 393 University Ave, 14th Flr
Toronto, ON
View MapQuest Map
416-314-8000 Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.