Nucleus Independent Living

Record #: MHL0066
Last Modified: 15 May 2023
Last Full Update: 15 May 2023

Address/Location Info

Address & Map
2030 Bristol Circle, Suite 110
Oakville, ON L6H 0H2
View Google Map
Located In Community Oakville
Intersection Winston Churchill Blvd and Dundas St W
Accessibility Fully Accessible

Contact Information

Office Phone Head office 905-829-4499
Fax 416-242-2344

Description/Eligibility/Service Details

Description - Supportive Housing Program provides personal support (activities of daily living or ADLs) and essential homemaking (personal hygiene activities or IADLs) to adults 16 years old and up who have a permanent physical disability and meet the eligibility requirements, and live in these two buildings: 30 Denarda St, Toronto, M6M 5C3 and 2100 Weston Rd, Toronto, M9N 3W6. Applications for Supportive Housing Program should be made through the Project Information Centre (PIC) 416-599-2458 * fax 416-599-3555 * e-mail: 
- Attendant Outreach Program provides an attendant for adults 16 years old and up who have a permanent physical disability who meet the eligibility requirements. The goal of the program is to enable an individual’s full participation and integration into their communities. Attendant services are provided by trained Personal Support Workers and can be in the client's home, client's place of employment and in places where the clients are pursuing adult education programs for the purpose of obtaining a degree/certificate/diploma. Contact Nucleus Independent Living at 905-829-4499 for an application of outreach services. 
- Supports for Dailiy Living (SDL) Program provides personal support and essential homemaking services for seniors 65 years of age and older residing in the community who require 24-hour assistance with activities of daily living that one cannot perform due to age related physical limitations or impairments. SDL services are not available to seniors residing in Retirement homes, Group Homes or Long Term Care facilities (includes all environments where services are attached to residency). Applications for SDL program should be made through SDL Central Registry by calling 905-281-4443 or email to 
- Caregiver Recharge Program is a collaborative community service that provides temporary in-home relief for primary caregivers who are experiencing high levels of stress as a result of caregiving. Nucleus Independent Living partners with AbleLiving Services to offer services within the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network (MH LHIN) area. To apply please contact the Caregiver ReCharge Central Registry at (905) 281-4443
Hours Daily 24 hours
Areas Served Mississauga ; Oakville ; Toronto (City of)
Eligibility Ages: 16 year(s) and up 
Adults 16 and older with permanent physical disabilities, who need physical, social, or emotional supports * Eligibility criteria set out by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Application Call * no referral required * in-home assessment required for service
Fees Donation ; Admission ; None
Languages English

Record Details

Record Views (Total) 20715 (as of 11 Mar 2025)

Other Info

Service Level (30) Provincial Government ; (50) Non Profit ; (51) Registered Charity

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.