Indus Community Services

Mississauga Head Office

Record #: MAL0094
Last Modified: 28 May 2024
Last Full Update: 28 May 2024

Address/Location Info

Address & Map
3038 Hurontario St, Suite 206
Mississauga, ON L5B 3B9
View Google Map
Located In Community Mississauga
Site Location Next to Cooksville Public Library
Intersection Hurontario St (Hwy 10) and Dundas St
Accessibility Fully Accessible
Mailing Address 3038 Hurontario Street, Suite 206 
Mississauga, ON 
Canada L5B 3B9

Contact Information

Office Phone 905-275-2369
Fax 905-275-6799
Primary Contact Indus Community Services; Email:

Description/Eligibility/Service Details

Description Indus Community Services is an accredited, not-for-profit community benefit organization that has served local communities for over 32 years. Originally founded as India Rainbow Community Services, this registered charity is supported by its donors and by all three levels of government. 
Services for Newcomers Include: 
* Information & Referral - Newcomers receive information and referrals for services to settle in Canada 
* English Language Training (LINC) - The English language training program helps newcomers improve their overall English communication skills and provides supervised childcare 
* Employment Services: Newcomers receive extensive job search training, skills assessment, guidance on resume and cover letter  
writing, coaching for a successful interview, labour market research, opportunities to attend job fairs and  
network and access to a Resource Centre and use of computers, telephone, fax and photocopier 
* Bridging Program for Human Resources Professionals: A seven-week program offered in partnership with Humber College supports internationally trained individuals to succeed in the Canadian labour market.  
* Community Connection Program: Newcomers are encouraged to identify their needs and areas of support, and in turn be matched with volunteers who live in the community. 
* Entrepreneurship Program: A unique training program tailored specifically to meet the needs of newcomers who have some basic sewing skills or interest in sewing and alterations. The program aims to spark the entrepreneurial spirit by providing the skills, knowledge and language to start their own sewing and alterations business.  
Health Services Include: 
* Adult Day Services: Assistance for adults and seniors with high care needs, those with challenging behavior and also provides specialized care for clients with dementia-related illnesses in a secure and therapeutic environment 
* Caregiver Support Group: Organized on a monthly basis for caregivers and volunteers. Meetings are designed to educate, inform and empower those providing care to seniors. Participants will learn more about common illnesses and receive information and referrals to relevant community programs.  
* Friendly Visiting Program: Provides social and emotional interaction for isolated seniors in the comfort of their home, hospital, or in a long-term care facility. Screened and trained volunteers engage clients in one-on-one meaningful activities 
Family Services include: 
* Child, Youth and Parenting: Counselling support for parents and families dealing with cultural and inter-generational conflict, support with positive parenting strategies and assistance in understanding full range of support services.  
* Community Mental Health Support: Housing and Support in Peel (HASP) is a partnership with Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP) and delivers housing support services to individuals residing in SHIP units. SHIP provides safe and affordable housing and Indus Community Services provides case management, service coordination and person centered support to SHIP residents. 
* Family Court Support Services: Provides support to victims of domestic violence navigating the family court system. Provides an understanding to rights to assist in making informed decisions on matters related to custody, child support, spousal support, and division of property and assets. 
* ACES Program for Women (Advocacy, Counselling, Empowerment & Safety): Provides culturally responsive counselling to victims of domestic/family violence and abuse, and personalized strategies to help promote healthy relationships and wellness in the victim and their family
Hours Mon - Fri 9am - 4:30pm.
Areas Served Greater Toronto Area ; Halton Region ; Peel Region
Application Call 905 275 2369 to learn more
Fees Membership - $10/yr/person; $15/yr/family ; Optional Membership - $10/yr/person
Languages English ; French ; Arabic ; Bengali ; Gujurati ; Hindi ; Punjabi ; Tamil ; Urdu ; French interpretation available upon request

Record Details

Record Views (Total) 41579 (as of 10 Mar 2025)

Other Info

Service Level (50) Non Profit

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.