Record #: CWL1210
Last Modified: 04 May 2023
Last Full Update: 25 Apr 2023


Office Phone Street Helpline: 1-877-848-8481
Fax 905-451-5183
Crisis Phone 24/7 crisis support: 905-278-9036 or 1-888-811-2222
Toll Free Phone 1-877-848-8481

Address/Location Info

Address 60 West Drive, Unit 106
Brampton, ON L6T 3T6
View Google Map
Located In Community Brampton
Intersection West Dr and Clark Bvd
Accessibility Fully Accessible

Description/Eligibility/Service Details

Description The Street Outreach team consists of both a 24/7 Street Helpline and mobile outreach teams that provide on-location supports including:  
•access to shelter 
•COVID-19 prevention services 
•certain medical services and urgent supplies (e.g. food, clothes, and blankets) 
•connection to other supportive programs, including mental health, addiction, and employment services 
Service Benefits: A range of supports for individuals/families with addiction, mental health, and other concerns related to homelessness 
•Access to nursing care through our clinics 
•Street-based outreach assistance to engage individuals/families towards obtaining and/or stabilizing housing 
•“No wrong door” approach for individuals/families seeking services 
Services now include: 
•Daily 24 support via the Street Helpline phone number 
•Two mobile vans with outreach teams delivering on-location supports 
•A mobile health clinic providing on-location nursing care, COVID-19 supports, flu vaccinations (seasonally), and virtual consultations with medical practitioners weekly at Brampton Library, Celebration Square (Mississauga), Knights Table (Brampton), Peel Family Shelter (Mississauga) and Cawthra Shelter (Mississauga). Phone the Street Helpline to find out days for each location as locations are subject to change 
•Extended Street Outreach hours daily from 8am-4pm and 6pm-10pm 
The Street Helpline also supports residents who are concerned about others. Residents can call the street helpline phone number if they are worried someone is in urgent need of homelessness supports
Hours Mobile Outreach: Mon, Wed, Fri 6pm-9pm * Tue, Thu 1pm-4pm 
Street Helpline: Daily 24 hours
Areas Served Peel Region
Eligibility 16 year and over * Homeless or potential homeless * resident of Peel Region
Application Interested individuals can call Street Helpline at 1-877-848-8481 or walk-in
Fees None
Languages English ; Translation and interpretation is available for most languages. When you call please let us know if interpretation services are needed

Other Info

Alternate Name CMHA
Funding Provincial
Service Level (50) Non Profit ; (51) Registered Charity

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.