Associated Youth Services of Peel
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Record #:
Last Modified:
01 Apr 2019
Last Full Update:
01 Apr 2019
Address/Location Info
Address & Map | |
Located In Community | Mississauga |
Intersection | Traders Blvd. E and Whittle Rd. |
Accessibility | Fully Accessible |
Contact Information
Office Phone | *905-890-5222 *Intake 905-451-4655 |
Fax | 905-890-5230 |
Toll Free Phone | 1-800-762-8377 | | |
Website | |
Primary Contact | Angela Wheatley, Administrative Assistant; Phone: ext 2222; Email: |
Description/Eligibility/Service Details
Description | AYSP is a team of professionals and volunteers dedicated to helping children, youth and families manage mental health and/or justice issues in order to realize their potential and encourage their contribution to community. Programs and services offered include: *Family Programs *Adolescent Team *Brief Therapy Counselling Program *Challenges *Family Connections *Multisystemic Therapy Program (MST) *Parent Adolescent Counselling Program (PAC-P) *Working Together with Families, 0-6 Child and Youth Programs: *Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Program (DBT) *Reaching Adolescents in Need (RAIN) *Recognizing Individual Success and Excellence (RISE) *Section 23 Classroom *Transitional Aged Youth Outreach (TAYO) *Transitions Program *Youth Beyond Barriers (YBB) Justice Programs: *Attendance Centre *Extrajudicial Measures (EJM) *Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS) *Enhanced Extrajudicial Sanctions (EEJS) *Youth Justice Committee (YJC) *Youth Mental Health Court Worker Groups: *Group Services Program (COPE) Volunteering Our volunteers are people who choose to contribute their time, energy and special skills to the children, youth, adults and families we serve. |
Hours | *Mon-Thu 9am-5pm *Fri 8:30am-4:30pm *Some evening and weekend groups available Tangerine Walk-in Counselling - available at AYSP on Tue between 9am-8pm. (last walk-in session is at 6pm.) |
Areas Served | Dufferin County ; Etobicoke ; Halton Region ; North York ; Peel Region |
Eligibility | Ages: 18 year(s) and under Children, youth and their families, dependent upon program |
Application | It is critical for referring organizations to obtain appropriate Consents for the Disclosure of Information prior to referral to any AYSP program. Community members can make a self-referral by calling the Centralized Intake 905-451-4655 An individual or a parent of a potential client will complete a brief phone interview to determine which service (if any) among the Centralized Intake for Mental Health Services for Children and Youth partnership is most appropriate: Group Services; Working Together with Families, 0-6; Challenges: A Child Management Program; Family Connections; Multisystemic Therapy (MST); R.A.I.N. Peel Children's Aid Society workers can make referrals directly to the following programs: Challenges: A Child Management Program; Family Connections; Working Together With Families, 0-6 ; SEED; R.A.I.N.; The Adolescent Team Program Probation Officers can make referrals directly to the following programs: Multisystemic Therapy (MST); Volunteer Programs; R.A.I.N., The Attendance Centre Peel District School Board teachers and staff can make referrals directly to the following programs: RISE (Must be within the designated geographical family of schools); Section 23 Classrooms; R.A.I.N. Crown Attorneys/Ontario Court of Justice can make referrals directly to the following programs: Youth Justice Committee (Youth only); Community Service Order; The Extrajudicial Sanctions Program. the Enhanced Extrajudicial Sanctions Program, the Attendance Centre (in conjunction with a Probation Order) |
Fees | None - All programs and services are offered free of charge |
Languages | English |
Record Details
Record Views (Total) | 40573 (as of 10 Mar 2025) |
Other Info
Service Level | (50) Non Profit |