Easter Seals Ontario

Provincial Office

Record #: CDR0078
Last Modified: 07 May 2019
Last Full Update: 02 May 2019

Address/Location Info

Address & Map
One Concorde Gate, Ste 700
Toronto, ON M3C 3N6
View Google Map
Located In Community North York East
Intersection Eglinton Ave and Don Valley Pkwy
Accessibility Fully Accessible

Contact Information

Office Phone 416-421-8377
Fax 416-696-1035
Toll Free Phone 1-800-668-6252
E-Mail info@easterseals.org
Website www.easterseals.org
Primary Contact Susan Smith, Peel Contact for Easter Seals; Phone: 1-289-208-1040; Email: ssmith@easterseals.org

Description/Eligibility/Service Details

Description Easter Seals offers the following programs dedicated to helping children, youth and young adults with physical disabilities living in Ontario achieve their full individual potential and future independence. 
* Residential and Family Camp  
Provide a camping experience to a child that is fun and safe while promoting the development of life skills that enhance future independence building self-esteem through activities that challenge each child's individual abilities and providing opportunities for social interaction and building friendships. 
* Direct Financial Assistance  
Offers direct financial assistance to individual families. Easter Seals Ontario acts as a third party funder and as such has no role in prescribing or recommending equipment, selecting a vendor/contractor or in the relationship between the parent and vendor.  
Children and young adults (birth to 19th birthday) with physical disabilities, who are registered with Easter Seals Ontario, qualify for financial assistance towards the purchase of equipment. 
Easter Seals financial assistance program picks up where the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care's Assistive Devices Program (ADP), insurance and other family resources leave off. The list of eligible equipment and services is reviewed regularly and priority is given to mobility and communication devices. Easter Seals' funding contribution is based on availability of funds. 
* Feature Scholarships  
Rose Brodie Provincial Ambassador Scholarship Fund 
Truelove Dell Scholarship Fund 
Beatrice Drinnan Spence Scholarship Fund 
* Incontinence Supplies Grant Program  
Program for children and youth with chronic disabilities (physical or developmental) that result in irreversible incontinence or retention problems lasting longer than six months requiring the use of incontinence supplies.
Hours Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Areas Served Ontario
Eligibility Ages: 19 year(s) and under
Application Initial registration application must be signed by an Occupational Therapist, Physio Therapist or Medical Physician licensed to practise in Ontario to validate the physical disability
Fees None
Languages English

Record Details

Record Views (Total) 18927 (as of 11 Mar 2025)

Other Info

Service Level (50) Non Profit

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.