Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel

Record #: CDR0060
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2019
Last Full Update: 27 Aug 2019

Address/Location Info

Address & Map
71 West Dr, Unit 23
Brampton, ON L6T 5E2
View Google Map
Located In Community Brampton
Intersection S/E corner of West Drive and Clark Blvd
Accessibility Fully Accessible

Contact Information

Office Phone 905-457-7288
Fax 905-454-0769
Primary Contact Lori Plati, Public Relations Manager, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel; Phone: 905-457-7288 ext 227; Fax: 905-454-0769; Email:

Description/Eligibility/Service Details

Description Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel provides mentoring programs to help promote the healthy development of children and youth (6-17yrs) in Peel Region. 
Programs offered for children include:  
* One-to-One Mentoring - matches a child 6 - 17 years of age (Little Brother/Little Sister) with a caring adult (Big Brother/Big Sister) over the age of 18. Matches are encouraged to plan fun and low cost activities 2 - 4 times per month for 1 year. Monthly agency sponsored recreational activities are provided. Unique opportunities to mentor a child together as a couple or as a female volunteer matched with a young boy are also available in our Couples for Kids Program and Big & Little Buddy Program. 
* Group Mentoring - Five volunteers mentor ten children one weeknight from Sept-June in local schools throughout the Region. Outing costs are covered by the agency. Activities include floor hockey and sports, community tours, swimming and more. 
* In-School Mentoring offered in partnership with the Peel District School Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board this program matches elementary girls and boys with a caring adult mentor. Matches meet for one hour during school hours and on school property to share in fun activities. 
* Teen Mentoring - This school based program matches elementary students with caring youth mentors ages 15 and up from a nearby participating secondary school. Matches meet at the same time each week in a supervised group setting. 
* Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds - A school based mentoring program for girls in Grades 7 and 8. The program curriculum promotes active living, healthy eating and positive self esteem. Female mentors ages 18 - 25 years are trained to lead the fun and interactive sessions over 7 weeks. 
*Game On! Eat Smart, Play Smart, Live Smart - A seven week school based mentoring program for boys ages 11 - 14. Explore pressing issues facing boys and young men through physical activity, healthy eating, self-esteem and communication skills. Male mentors are fully trained to lead sessions in participating schools. 
* Conversation Club provides new Canadian youth (12 - 18) with opportunities to integrate into Canadian society, to practice English conversation skills and receive homework help from youth mentors (18 - 24). Offered in partnership with the Centre for Education and Training and funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. 
VOLUNTEER MENTOR ROLE Volunteers for most programs must commit to a minimum of one year or one school based year with the exception of Go Girls!, Game On! and Conversation Club.
Hours Flexible depending on program
Dates All year long
Areas Served Peel Region
Eligibility Ages: 6 year(s) - 17 year(s) 
Volunteers must be 18 yrs and over for most programs except for Teen Mentoring.
Application Parent/Guardian referrals or school referrals
Fees None
Languages English

Record Details

Record Views (Total) 21326 (as of 10 Mar 2025)

Other Info

Service Level (50) Non Profit

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