Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Central West Region
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Record #:
Last Modified:
16 Apr 2019
Last Full Update:
16 Apr 2019
Address/Location Info
Address & Map | |
Located In Community | Mississauga |
Intersection | Between Hwy 401 and Argentia Rd |
Accessibility | Fully Accessible |
Contact Information
Office Phone | Office 905-567-7177 * Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) 905-897-3100 |
Fax | 905-567-3215 |
TTY Phone | 905-567-3219 |
Toll Free Phone | 1-877-832-2818 |
Website | www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/about/regions/central.aspx |
Description/Eligibility/Service Details
Description | Administers the following programs: PROGRAM REVIEW AND COMPLIANCE UNIT Licences children's residential services, nursery schools, child care centres and home child care agencies. Provides consulting, advisory, inspection and licensing services to proposed and existing day nurseries. Responds to complaints from the public. CHILDREN'S AND ADULT SERVICES Provides social services for adults and children. Acts in supervisory and consultative capacities for local agencies. ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN WITH SEVERE DISABILITIES (ACSD) Formerly known as the Handicapped Children's Benefit (HCB), this program provides help to parents to assist with some of the extra costs of caring for a child who has a disability. The purpose of the benefit is to help children who have disabilities live as normal a life as possible at home and in the community. Assistance provided through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) SPECIAL SERVICES AT HOME (SSAH) Helps children with developmental or physical disabilities and adults with a developmental disability to live at home with their families by providing funding on a time-limited basis to address individual needs. With this funding, families can purchase supports and services which they could not normally provide themselves and are not available elsewhere in the community. ONTARIO DISABILITY SUPPORT PROGRAM (ODSP) Has two components: Income support program for people with disabilities who are in financial need Employment support program that recognizes many people with disabilities can and do want to work. Income Support 905-897- 3242 * fax 905-897-7419 * TTY 905-897-3109 Employment Support 905-897-3109 * TTY 905-897-3162 |
Hours | Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm |
Areas Served | Dufferin County ; Halton Region ; Peel Region ; Waterloo Region ; Wellington County |
Eligibility | SPECIAL SERVICES AT HOME (SSAH): Children with a developmental or physical disability and adults with a developmental disability are eligible for SSAH if they: are residents of Ontario; have an ongoing functional limitation as a result of a disability; require support beyond that which is a normal family responsibility; and are living at home with their families ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN WITH SEVERE DISABILITIES (ACSD): Child must be under 18yrs and live at home with a parent or a legal guardian; family income will be evaluated to determine qualification; child must have a severe disability that results in a functional loss; extraordinary costs must be present which are incurred directly as a result of the disability |
Application | SPECIAL SERVICES AT HOME (SSAH): Complete an application form; obtain a medical statement or psychological assessment clearly confirming the diagnosis of your family member's disability (indicating the nature of the disability; and supports your request for service ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN WITH SEVERE DISABILITIES: Application form available through this office |
Fees | None |
Languages | English ; French |
Record Details
Record Views (Total) | 41542 (as of 10 Mar 2025) |
Other Info
Service Level | (30) Provincial Government |