You performed a search for: Local schools: Elmcrest Public (Peel District)

There are 4 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Address

Map RecordKids Zone Childcare Centre

Map RecordKids Zone Childcare Centre Licensed child care centre. 2275 Speakman Drive
Mississauga, ON
Canada L5K 1B1
View Google Map

Map RecordMini-Skool Clubhouse 103A

Map RecordMini-Skool Clubhouse 103A Licensed before and after school program, and on all school holidays 2501 Truscott Street
Mississauga, ON L5J 2B3
View Google Map

Map RecordOlive Grove School

Map RecordOlive Grove School Licensed child care centre. 2300 Speakman Drive
Mississauga, ON
Canada L5K 1B4
View Google Map

Map RecordWest Park Daycare Centre

Map RecordWest Park Daycare Centre Licensed Child Care Centre. Offers a Special Needs Program supported by community health care professionals and have an experienced special needs coordinator on staff. 3100 Ridgeway Drive N, Unit 45
Mississauga, ON
Canada L5L 5M5
View Google Map

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Records in this database contain links to external mapping software and are provided as a convenience to the user. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the maps provided by these external applications and the user is urged to confirm the location independently.

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