Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Address Office Phone Hours
Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf Offers the following services: BOB RUMBALL CENTRE FOR THE DEAF (BCRD) 416-449-9651 * TTY 416-449-2728 * fax 416-449-8881 The centre operates a wide variety of programs, some residential and some day p ... BRCD 
2395 Bayview Ave 
North York, ON M2L 1A2
416-449-9651 Office: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Homes for Special Care Residential care for discharged psychiatric patients offered in residential homes in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. 1001 Queen St W, West Wing 
Toronto, On M6J 1H9
416-583-4315 Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
Ernest C Drury School for the Deaf Day and residential school for the deaf. Preschool home visiting program for deaf and hard of hearing children. Awareness workshops for parents and professionals. 255 Ontario St S 
Milton, ON L9T 2M5
1-905-878-2851 Office Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm
Services and Housing in the Province (SHIP), Recovery Residences A recovery residence for people with mental health issues * houses eight residents in a group setting and provides support to help them work toward their goals of independent living Residents are assi ... 60 Courtney Park Drive, Unit 2 
Mississauga, ON L5W 0B3
Central Intake 905-795-8742 ext 3 Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
St Leonard's Place Peel Community agency offering support to males who have had conflict with the law, and males who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness and have mental health challenges and /or problems with addicti ... 1105 Queen Street E 
Brampton, ON L6T 4E2
Main Desk: 905-457-3611 ext 300 Residential Care: Daily 24 hours