Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Office Phone Hours
AbleLiving Services Inc., Thrive Group, Respite Services-Peel Region In home respite services through Caregiver Recharge Program (905-281-4443) provided in Mississauga to allow caregivers an opportunity to be relieved of their duties for a specified period of time. Als ... 905-527-7949 
*Caregiver Recharge Program 905-338-8357 
*Aghabi Place 905-821-9944 
*Lakeside Court 905-278-1112
Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf Offers the following services: BOB RUMBALL CENTRE FOR THE DEAF (BCRD) 416-449-9651 * TTY 416-449-2728 * fax 416-449-8881 The centre operates a wide variety of programs, some residential and some day p ... 416-449-9651 Office: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Canadian Progress Club of Brampton Service club: *works on community and civic projects and provides assistance to disabled children *locally: raises food for the food banks through the Santa Claus Parade *nationally: works with Specia ... 647-546-3601  
Central West Region Passport Agency Central West Region Passport Agency (CWRPA) Passport is a program that helps adults with a developmental disability to be involved in their community and live as independently as possible by providing ... 905-844-8888 Mon- Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm  
We are closed on statutory holidays.
Coalition for Persons with Disabilities - Peel, Halton, Dufferin Abilities to Work is a not-for-profit organization focused on accessibility. We have been providing support to clients with disabilities to find opportunities in employment, education and training since ... 1-866-969-9734 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Cruisers Sports for the Physically Disabled of Halton-Peel Provides active living, sports and recreational opportunities to people with physical disabilities living in Peel and Halton    
Easter Seals Ontario, Provincial Office Easter Seals offers the following programs dedicated to helping children, youth and young adults with physical disabilities living in Ontario achieve their full individual potential and future indepen ... 416-421-8377 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
ErinoakKids, Centre For Treatment and Development, Brampton Treatment, rehabilitation and support, autism services, communication services, infant hearing screening and audiology services, vision services, medical services, occupational therapy and physiothera ... 905-855-2690 Mon - Thu: 8am - 7pm 
Fri & Sat: 8am - 6pm
ErinoakKids, Centre for Treatment and Development, Mississauga ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development is the largest Children's Treatment Centre (CTC) in Ontario, providing a comprehensive range of treatment, rehabilitation and support services to child ... 905-855-2690 Mon: 8am–7pm 
Tue: 8am-9pm 
Wed: 8am-7pm 
Thu: 8am-9pm 
Fri: 8am-6pm 
Sat: 8am– 6pm 
Sun: Closed 
Some exceptions may apply. 
We are closed on all holidays and holiday weekends including Easter Monday. We are also closed between Christmas Day and New Years Day each year.
Ernest C Drury School for the Deaf Day and residential school for the deaf. Preschool home visiting program for deaf and hard of hearing children. Awareness workshops for parents and professionals. 1-905-878-2851 Office Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm
Human Services Department, Region of Peel, Early Years & Child Care Services Through a collaborative and evidence-based approach, the Region of Peel's Early Years and Child Care Services (EYCCS) plans, oversees and manages a wide range of services intended to help families and ... Information Line 905-791-1585 Administration Office: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Jennifer Ashleigh Children's Charity We provide funding for children who have one or more of the following diagnosis: *Physical disability *Severe medical issue that cannot be controlled by medication and disrupts the life of the child a ... 905-852-1799 ext 32  
Kids Inc Summer recreational day camp located on a 30 Acre private property, offering free bus transportation, sports, recreational and creative activities; private swimming lessons; bus service to camp; exten ... 519-855-6074 Camp 8am-5pm
Kids Pathways Peel Kids Pathways Peel is a network of partners providing service coordination in Peel through the following community agencies including Brampton Caledon Community Living, Child Development Resource Conn ... 905-890-9432 Mon-Fri, 8.40am-5pm
March of Dimes Canada, Brampton Outreach Ontario March of Dimes (MOD) is a charitable organization that assists individuals with physical disabilities to achieve a meaningful and dignified life. Through a wide range of programs and services ... 905 456-8665 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm 
Service: Daily 6am-12midnight
Mary Centre, Brampton Mary Centre provides residential supports and services to adults and seniors with developmental disabilities in Peel, Toronto and York Regions Brampton Homes * two wheelchair accessible homes for adul ... *Toronto 416-630-5533  
*Peel 905-866-6300
Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm
Next Step to Active Living, Adult Day Program Adult day program for individuals with acquired physical disabilities such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis * social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for adults with acquire ... 905-615-4770 ext 2279 Office: Mon-Thu 8:30am-4:30pm 
Program: Mon-Thu 9am-3pm
Nucleus Independent Living - Supportive Housing Program provides personal support (activities of daily living or ADLs) and essential homemaking (personal hygiene activities or IADLs) to adults 16 years old and up who have a per ... Head office 905-829-4499 Daily 24 hours
Ontario March of Dimes, West Central Regional Office Independent Living: Supports for older adults, and adults with disabilities * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referral to other community services Employme ... 905-607-3463 Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm
Ontario Track 3 Adaptive Sports Association Offers ski and snowboard instruction to children and youth with disabilities. Program includes ski equipment and transportation to and from the following ski areas (where possible) Please view website ... 416-233-3872 Office Hours Mon-Fri 9:30am-4pm
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Central Region, Special Services at Home (SSAH) The Special Services at Home (SSAH) program helps families who are caring for a child with a developmental and/or physical disability. It is funded and managed by the Ministry of Children, Community a ... 905-567-7177 Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5pm
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Central West Region Administers the following programs: PROGRAM REVIEW AND COMPLIANCE UNIT Licences children's residential services, nursery schools, child care centres and home child care agencies. Provides consulting, ... Office 905-567-7177 * Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) 905-897-3100 Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Supports, Brampton Office Employment supports - provides help preparing for, finding and keeping a job * on-the-job training * interpreter or intervenor services * transportation assistance * assistive devices and training to ... 905-460-5025 Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Program, Income and Employment Supports, Mississauga Office Income support - helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, like food and housing Employment supports - provides help preparing for, finding and keeping a job * ... 905-897-3100 Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm
PAL-Reading Services Inc., Audio Transcription Service Provides audio transcription services on demand for persons requiring written materials transcribed into DAISY/MP3 format on CD or as digital download * will mail recordings if patron is unable to pic ... 416-340-7828 *Mon and Tue 11:30am-7pm 
*Wed-Fri 9:30am-5pm
ParaSport Ontario Providing support to all members of the disability community – regardless of age or stage in life – to find, connect with, and participate in competitive and recreational sport programs and activities ... 416-426-7187 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Peel Association for Handicapped Adults Group of disabled and able bodied persons whose objective is to promote the interests of physically disabled adults within the Region of Peel * provides recreational activities (outings, dinners, craf ...    
Peel Cheshire Homes, Brampton Supportive housing and outreach program for people with physical disabilities 12-unit supportive housing * helps adults with physical disabilities with food preparation, personal care and other servic ... Residential Service: 905-450-5185 
Referrals and Outreach Service: 905-450-8495
Residential Service: Daily 24 hrs 
Outreach Service (Attendant Care): Daily 6am-12midnight
Rosa's Centre Day Program consists of life skills, reading, spelling, communication skills, exercise, food preparation and safe handling, personal care and hygiene, basic computer skills •arts and crafts •personal ... 905-791-7444 Mon-Fri 9am-3:30pm
Silent Voice Canada Inc Silent Voice, a charitable, not-for-profit community organisation, serves Deaf adults, youth, children, and their families in an American Sign Language (ASL) environment. They are dedicated to improvi ... 416-463-1104 Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
Special Needs Adult Program Services Organization SNAPSO is a registered charity providing active and visible day support service to developmentally disabled adults. They provide management, counseling and other support services to assist people with ... 905-458-6217 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario Assists people with spinal cord injury (injuries) and other physical disabilities achieve independence, self-reliance and community participation * services include: Service Navigation - Providing pra ... 416-422-1112 Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sunshine Foundation of Canada The Sunshine Foundation of Canada makes dreams come true for children living with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses. We do so through two programs; our Individual Dreams Progr ... 519-642-0990 ext 235 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
TransHelp, Accessible Transportation, Peel Public Works The Region of Peel has several modes of transportation available to the public, including both conventional and specialized transit services. These include the City of Mississauga’s conventional bus s ... 905-791-1015 ext 2 Customer Contact Centre 8am-12am (midnight), 7 days a week 
Transit Hours Mon-Sun and Holidays 6 am-1 am
Trillium Health Partners, Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal Services, Outpatient Neuro Rehab Services Trillium Health Partners’ Outpatient Neuro Rehab Services offers a variety of coordinated health services for individuals diagnosed with a neurological condition. You may be eligible for the program i ... 905-848-7280 Mon - Fri. 8:30am - 4:30pm
VIA Rail, Seniors and Special Needs Services On behalf of the Government of Canada Via Rail operates the national passenger rail service. For people 60 years of age and over - 10% discount all year long on the Economy Plus fare and on regular Sl ... 1-888-842-7245 ( 1-888-VIA-RAIL )