Exact Match
Physical disabilities (36)
- Broader Term(s)
- Disabilities (41)
- Narrower Term(s)
- Cerebral palsy (4)
- Impaired hearing (19)
- Impaired vision (4)
- Related Term(s)
- Amputees (3)
- Assistive devices (17)
- Attendant care (7)
- Communication disorders (6)
- Paraplegics (1)
- Quadraplegics (1)
- Special olympics (3)
- Vehicle adaptations (2)
- Used For
- Handicaps
- Search Physical disabilities With:
- Adults (27)
- Children (30)
- Youth (33)
Organization / Program Name(s) | Description (Brief) | Office Phone | Hours |
AbleLiving Services Inc., Thrive Group, Respite Services-Peel Region | In home respite services through Caregiver Recharge Program (905-281-4443) provided in Mississauga to allow caregivers an opportunity to be relieved of their duties for a specified period of time. Als ... | 905-527-7949 *Caregiver Recharge Program 905-338-8357 *Aghabi Place 905-821-9944 *Lakeside Court 905-278-1112 |
Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf | Offers the following services: BOB RUMBALL CENTRE FOR THE DEAF (BCRD) 416-449-9651 * TTY 416-449-2728 * fax 416-449-8881 The centre operates a wide variety of programs, some residential and some day p ... | 416-449-9651 | Office: 8:30am - 5:30pm |
Canadian Progress Club of Brampton | Service club: *works on community and civic projects and provides assistance to disabled children *locally: raises food for the food banks through the Santa Claus Parade *nationally: works with Specia ... | 647-546-3601 | |
Central West Region Passport Agency | Central West Region Passport Agency (CWRPA) Passport is a program that helps adults with a developmental disability to be involved in their community and live as independently as possible by providing ... | 905-844-8888 | Mon- Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm We are closed on statutory holidays. |
Coalition for Persons with Disabilities - Peel, Halton, Dufferin | Abilities to Work is a not-for-profit organization focused on accessibility. We have been providing support to clients with disabilities to find opportunities in employment, education and training since ... | 1-866-969-9734 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm |
Cruisers Sports for the Physically Disabled of Halton-Peel | Provides active living, sports and recreational opportunities to people with physical disabilities living in Peel and Halton | ||
Easter Seals Ontario, Provincial Office | Easter Seals offers the following programs dedicated to helping children, youth and young adults with physical disabilities living in Ontario achieve their full individual potential and future indepen ... | 416-421-8377 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm |
ErinoakKids, Centre For Treatment and Development, Brampton | Treatment, rehabilitation and support, autism services, communication services, infant hearing screening and audiology services, vision services, medical services, occupational therapy and physiothera ... | 905-855-2690 | Mon - Thu: 8am - 7pm Fri & Sat: 8am - 6pm |
ErinoakKids, Centre for Treatment and Development, Mississauga | ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development is the largest Children's Treatment Centre (CTC) in Ontario, providing a comprehensive range of treatment, rehabilitation and support services to child ... | 905-855-2690 | Mon: 8am–7pm Tue: 8am-9pm Wed: 8am-7pm Thu: 8am-9pm Fri: 8am-6pm Sat: 8am– 6pm Sun: Closed Some exceptions may apply. We are closed on all holidays and holiday weekends including Easter Monday. We are also closed between Christmas Day and New Years Day each year. |
Ernest C Drury School for the Deaf | Day and residential school for the deaf. Preschool home visiting program for deaf and hard of hearing children. Awareness workshops for parents and professionals. | 1-905-878-2851 | Office Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm |
Human Services Department, Region of Peel, Early Years & Child Care Services | Through a collaborative and evidence-based approach, the Region of Peel's Early Years and Child Care Services (EYCCS) plans, oversees and manages a wide range of services intended to help families and ... | Information Line 905-791-1585 | Administration Office: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm |
Jennifer Ashleigh Children's Charity | We provide funding for children who have one or more of the following diagnosis: *Physical disability *Severe medical issue that cannot be controlled by medication and disrupts the life of the child a ... | 905-852-1799 ext 32 | |
Kids Inc | Summer recreational day camp located on a 30 Acre private property, offering free bus transportation, sports, recreational and creative activities; private swimming lessons; bus service to camp; exten ... | 519-855-6074 | Camp 8am-5pm |
Kids Pathways Peel | Kids Pathways Peel is a network of partners providing service coordination in Peel through the following community agencies including Brampton Caledon Community Living, Child Development Resource Conn ... | 905-890-9432 | Mon-Fri, 8.40am-5pm |
March of Dimes Canada, Brampton Outreach | Ontario March of Dimes (MOD) is a charitable organization that assists individuals with physical disabilities to achieve a meaningful and dignified life. Through a wide range of programs and services ... | 905 456-8665 | Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Service: Daily 6am-12midnight |
Mary Centre, Brampton | Mary Centre provides residential supports and services to adults and seniors with developmental disabilities in Peel, Toronto and York Regions Brampton Homes * two wheelchair accessible homes for adul ... | *Toronto 416-630-5533 *Peel 905-866-6300 |
Mon-Fri 8 am-4 pm |
Next Step to Active Living, Adult Day Program | Adult day program for individuals with acquired physical disabilities such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis * social, recreational, and therapeutic activities for adults with acquire ... | 905-615-4770 ext 2279 | Office: Mon-Thu 8:30am-4:30pm Program: Mon-Thu 9am-3pm |
Nucleus Independent Living | - Supportive Housing Program provides personal support (activities of daily living or ADLs) and essential homemaking (personal hygiene activities or IADLs) to adults 16 years old and up who have a per ... | Head office 905-829-4499 | Daily 24 hours |
Ontario March of Dimes, West Central Regional Office | Independent Living: Supports for older adults, and adults with disabilities * helps people remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible * referral to other community services Employme ... | 905-607-3463 | Mon-Fri 9 am-4:30 pm |
Ontario Track 3 Adaptive Sports Association | Offers ski and snowboard instruction to children and youth with disabilities. Program includes ski equipment and transportation to and from the following ski areas (where possible) Please view website ... | 416-233-3872 | Office Hours Mon-Fri 9:30am-4pm |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Central Region, Special Services at Home (SSAH) | The Special Services at Home (SSAH) program helps families who are caring for a child with a developmental and/or physical disability. It is funded and managed by the Ministry of Children, Community a ... | 905-567-7177 | Mon-Fri, 9:00am-5pm |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Central West Region | Administers the following programs: PROGRAM REVIEW AND COMPLIANCE UNIT Licences children's residential services, nursery schools, child care centres and home child care agencies. Provides consulting, ... | Office 905-567-7177 * Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) 905-897-3100 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Program, Employment Supports, Brampton Office | Employment supports - provides help preparing for, finding and keeping a job * on-the-job training * interpreter or intervenor services * transportation assistance * assistive devices and training to ... | 905-460-5025 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm |
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Disability Support Program, Income and Employment Supports, Mississauga Office | Income support - helps people with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, like food and housing Employment supports - provides help preparing for, finding and keeping a job * ... | 905-897-3100 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm |
PAL-Reading Services Inc., Audio Transcription Service | Provides audio transcription services on demand for persons requiring written materials transcribed into DAISY/MP3 format on CD or as digital download * will mail recordings if patron is unable to pic ... | 416-340-7828 | *Mon and Tue 11:30am-7pm *Wed-Fri 9:30am-5pm |
ParaSport Ontario | Providing support to all members of the disability community – regardless of age or stage in life – to find, connect with, and participate in competitive and recreational sport programs and activities ... | 416-426-7187 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm |
Peel Association for Handicapped Adults | Group of disabled and able bodied persons whose objective is to promote the interests of physically disabled adults within the Region of Peel * provides recreational activities (outings, dinners, craf ... | ||
Peel Cheshire Homes, Brampton | Supportive housing and outreach program for people with physical disabilities 12-unit supportive housing * helps adults with physical disabilities with food preparation, personal care and other servic ... | Residential Service: 905-450-5185 Referrals and Outreach Service: 905-450-8495 |
Residential Service: Daily 24 hrs Outreach Service (Attendant Care): Daily 6am-12midnight |
Rosa's Centre | Day Program consists of life skills, reading, spelling, communication skills, exercise, food preparation and safe handling, personal care and hygiene, basic computer skills •arts and crafts •personal ... | 905-791-7444 | Mon-Fri 9am-3:30pm |
Silent Voice Canada Inc | Silent Voice, a charitable, not-for-profit community organisation, serves Deaf adults, youth, children, and their families in an American Sign Language (ASL) environment. They are dedicated to improvi ... | 416-463-1104 | Mon-Fri 9am-4pm |
Special Needs Adult Program Services Organization | SNAPSO is a registered charity providing active and visible day support service to developmentally disabled adults. They provide management, counseling and other support services to assist people with ... | 905-458-6217 | Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm |
Spinal Cord Injury Ontario | Assists people with spinal cord injury (injuries) and other physical disabilities achieve independence, self-reliance and community participation * services include: Service Navigation - Providing pra ... | 416-422-1112 | Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm |
Sunshine Foundation of Canada | The Sunshine Foundation of Canada makes dreams come true for children living with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses. We do so through two programs; our Individual Dreams Progr ... | 519-642-0990 ext 235 | Mon-Fri 9am-5pm |
TransHelp, Accessible Transportation, Peel Public Works | The Region of Peel has several modes of transportation available to the public, including both conventional and specialized transit services. These include the City of Mississauga’s conventional bus s ... | 905-791-1015 ext 2 | Customer Contact Centre 8am-12am (midnight), 7 days a week Transit Hours Mon-Sun and Holidays 6 am-1 am |
Trillium Health Partners, Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal Services, Outpatient Neuro Rehab Services | Trillium Health Partners’ Outpatient Neuro Rehab Services offers a variety of coordinated health services for individuals diagnosed with a neurological condition. You may be eligible for the program i ... | 905-848-7280 | Mon - Fri. 8:30am - 4:30pm |
VIA Rail, Seniors and Special Needs Services | On behalf of the Government of Canada Via Rail operates the national passenger rail service. For people 60 years of age and over - 10% discount all year long on the Economy Plus fare and on regular Sl ... | 1-888-842-7245 ( 1-888-VIA-RAIL ) |