You performed a search for: Subjects: Legal counselling

There are 2 record(s) that match your criteria. Click on the organization / program name to view the full details of the record
  Organization / Program Name(s) Description (Brief) Address Office Phone Hours

Map RecordCentre for Addiction and Mental Health, Youth Justice Assessment Clinic

Map RecordCentre for Addiction and Mental Health, Youth Justice Assessment Clinic Judges, lawyers and probation officers working within the youth justice system typically refer youth to the clinic under Section 34 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Once a referral is received, a st ... [More] Intergenerational Building
80 Workman Way, 5th Flr
Toronto, ON M6J 1H4
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416-535-8501 ext 30512 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

Map RecordFamily Transition Place, Orangeville Office

Map RecordFamily Transition Place, Orangeville Office Services for women and their children who have experienced abuse and unhealthy relationships * 24 hour crisis / info line Programs and services: Shelter Services emergency shelter second stage housing ... [More] 20 Bredin Pkwy
Orangeville, ON L9W 4Z9
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24 Hour Support: 519-941-4357 * 905-584-4357 
Admin: 519-942-4122
Admin Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm * Crisis Line: Daily 24 hours

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in this database is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Child Development Resource Connection Peel cannot assume liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality.